Stronger together:

Community mental health

Washtenaw County Community Mental Health and Public Safety Preservation Millage


Five years of mental health millage investments.

In 2017, the Community Mental Health and Public Safety Preservation Millage was approved by Washtenaw County voters by a 2-1 margin. Since January of 2019, when the funds were first made available, the millage has provided essential resources to address crucial community needs like extending behavioral health care to all residents, expanding crisis services, providing supportive housing, and more.

The millage brings approximately $5 to $7 million per year to fund various programs at Washtenaw County Community Mental Health (WCCMH) and community organizations that provide mental health and substance use treatment services.

Since the advent of the millage, the need for mental health services has increased substantially. For example, in 2018, just before millage funds were available, WCCMH answered 4,500 calls per month on average. In 2023, that number increased to 8,500 calls per month on average.

Our 2023 annual impact report highlights a variety of millage investments and the impact they’ve had on our community across five categories: 

Behavioral health service expansion


Youth support services


Supportive housing


Behavioral health prevention and education


Criminal Justice Reform


We're proud that the majority of these millage dollars directly benefit the community. Less than 10% of funds are allocated to administrative costs.

For an overview of millage priorities and accomplishments, read our one pager.

Read our one pager >>

2019 - 2023 Washtenaw County Community Mental Health accomplishments: 

147% increase

in the number of adults served by Washtenaw County Community Mental Health from pre-millage to today.

40+ programs

supported with millage dollars at Washtenaw County Community Mental Health and partner organizations. 

$7 million

provided to community partners for mental health programs over the last five years.

2023 Impact Areas

2023 Highlights

Service expansion

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Washtenaw County Community Mental Health's CARES team served 2.4 times more individuals than before millage funds were available.
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The county's new 24/7 substance use call line received about 250 calls per month.
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The Washtenaw County Community Mental Health crisis team responded to 2,628 calls in person.  
Learn more

2023 Highlights

Youth support

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Over 2,200 youth and young adults were served by Washtenaw County Community Mental Health.
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Over 300 hours of youth psychiatry services provided at the Corner Health Center in Ypsilanti.
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Over 10 programs at Washtenaw Intermediate School District support thousands of students and families.
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2023 Highlights

Supportive housing

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Washtenaw County Community Mental Health placed 258 individuals in temporary emergency housing.
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Millage-funded housing agencies like Avalon and Michigan Ability Partners placed over 50 individuals in permanent supportive housing.
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Over 800 individuals received supportive services, like therapy and case management, at millage-funded housing agencies.  
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2023 Highlights

Prevention & education

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Washtenaw County’s chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness served more than 800 individuals.
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The health department's #WishYouKnew campaign reached more than 3,000 youth.
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16 mini grants awarded to area schools for student-led mental health initiatives.
Learn more

2023 Highlights

Criminal justice

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540 calls to 911  from Ypsilanti Township were assigned to a co-response team staffed by a deputy and mental health specialist.
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LEADD, Washtenaw’s Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion and Deflection program, provided intensive case management to 22 clients in 2023.
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19 responses by the Crisis Negotiation Team, which includes mental health specialists, to deescalate conflicts.
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2023 Millage
By the Numbers

See how millage dollars are funding local initiatives and partnerships and learn about those being served.

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Expanded services
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24/7 crisis support
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Youth supports
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Supportive housing
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Education and prevention
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Criminal justice diversion

To access millage-funded services,
call 1-734-544-3050